Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Recent Obsessions

People go through phases, I think. We get hooked on something for a while. Some of those things may end up being a habit or hobby for us, but some of them go by the wayside after a while. Here are a few of my most recent obsessions. Who knows how I'll feel about any of them months from now.

1. Working Out. Surprisingly, not a typo. This will be my third time to be really consistent in working out. The first time was in high school right before my first Wilderness Trek trip (did not duplicate that on the subsequent 4 trips). The second was the semester right before Casey and I got married - he was in Dallas, I was only taking three classes and my friend, Blair made me do it! The rest of the time, the best I can say is that I dabbled in exercise. Now, since December (and finding iTrain), I have been shockingly consistent in working out. I sort of feel weird when I don't do it, which is so strange to me.

2. Tank tops. I have two in black, two in white, one orange, one green, one pink, one light pink, one purple, one brown, and one light blue. I wear them to work out, veg out and go out. The best thing about them - no tags. The tag info is just printed on the tank top where the tag would have been. Genius.

3. New lunch ideas. I have been packing my lunch since the 6th grade (except for a brief stint in college when I was either at The Bean, Taco Bueno, or my apartment). I love sandwiches but I needed something new. So, I've been vigorously researching new lunch recipes. The best one yet is ham, a cheese stick and thinly sliced carrot sticks rolled up in lettuce. It's pretty good.

4. Bertolli pasta dinners. You'll notice that this is the second food-related item on my list - hmmm. It's also a result of obsession #1. Since I work out when I come home, my time for cooking dinner has been cut in half. These dinners are done in 10 mintues, you can easily add a salad to complete the meal, and they actually taste really great. I've been making one a week for at least two months - usually on Mondays, since that's my grocery day and my evening time is even shorter.

5. Researching Digital Scrapbooking. I need a creative outlet. I did not realize this until recently when I took on a website project (to be revealed much later) for our family. I miss being creative every once in a while and I haven't had a chance to do that in a long time. So, due to some conversations over mother's day weekend with my sister-in-law, Chelsea, I have been spending ridiculous amounts of time on Google researching the ins and outs of digital scrapbooking. I've made no commitment yet - more on that later. I've got more research to do!


Stephanie said...

I love your lists Rachel!

LoriLoo310 said...

I love how a lot of clothes are going tagless now. Why hasn't this happened earlier?

And yes, Bertolli pasta dinners are great. The small bags are usually perfect for just Brandon and I to share.

I wish I could be obsessed with working out. Those last five pregnancy pounds just don't want to go away.

Blair said...

I'm on your blog! I'm famous! I'd forgotten about our little workout phase . . . fun times!

Amberly said...

I wholeheartedly agree with the Bertolli pasta dinners! DELICIOUS!!! I have my absolute favorite... Chicken Florentine & Farfalle. YUMMMMMMMY!

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's our favorite too, Amberly!

Amberly said...

We both have such great taste!!!