Everyone always asks me how I told Casey, but I didn't have to tell him. He's the one that made me take the test and he was staring at me while I did it, so we found out at the same time. Our families are really excited. This will be the 4th grandchild for Casey's parents and the first for mine. We told them by having onesies printed up with, "I love grandma and grandpa" and "I love nana and papaw." My parents will have to come up with what they would like to be called - Casey's parents are already "labeled."
The peanut at 6 weeks - that's why it looks like a blurry blob:

Congratulations! That is wonderful news!
Congtatulations, I'm so excited for you!!!
That's so awesome! You will both be wonderful parents. I am so excited for you. You will love being a mom, with all of the daily challenges and excitement. Wonderful!
Congratulations again! Cute pictures! And a cute first picture of the baby!
RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations!!! I cannot believe it! I'm so glad I checked your blog! I opened it up and saw the lilypie countdown (a very popular thing for pregnant bloggers i've noticed), and I couldn't believe it!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!
Yay! Exciting! Congrats to you both. :)
Congrats again...glad you are blogging about it now!!
Congratulations! I hope I didn't spoil the news a few weeks ago. Tim and I are very excited for you two.
We are so proud of all you new moms keeping the nursery full! Congratulations to you and Casey! I hope that you have a healthy pregnancy. I know your parents must be thrilled!
Congratulations!! I can't wait for your upcoming posts!
Rachel, such an exciting time for you guys! I am so sad to miss out on all my pregnant friends, but I am glad I can keep up with you on your blog. Congrats again!
Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you and Casey. You are going to love being a mommy!
Very exciting and happy news! Can't wait to hear more, and hope your feeling well!
I am so excited for you. What a cute way to let the grandparents know. I went and bought a recording device from "build a bear" and had the doctor record the babies heart beat on it and then built a bear for Bob's and my parents for christmas. They already knew, but it was a cute christmas present. Now they play it for Robert and say, "see this was you when you were in mommy's tummy."
Congratulations, Rachel! That is just wonderful - I'm really happy for you and Casey. We'll have a new generation of little study-abroaders yet.
The onesies idea is so great! I wish I would've thought about that, so creative! Hope you're catching your zzzz's because I'm already feeling sleep deprived! Hahaha - can't wait for your little one to be here soon - it will FLY by!
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