Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas to Us

Casey and I got each other an unconventional gift for Christmas this year...a night a hotel and a nice dinner. We both agreed afterwards that this was a brilliant Christmas gift - we both loved it. We stayed at The Gaylord Texan and ate at their Old Hickory Steakhouse. If you want, you could go over there and try their Habanero Creamed Corn...and then beg the chef on hands and knees for the recipe. I was unsuccessful at this and I'm still dreaming about that corn. The rest of the meal was just as good too. We also went to the Ice exhibit, which was really cool! Ha! Oh, and I did get this for Casey for Christmas too. He thought it was fantastic!

P.S. - There are more Christmas pictures and Gaylord Texan pictures on our photo site linked at the right for those who are interested.


Lynn Leaming said...

Just asked Quenta on her blog if they went to ICE when they were at the Gaylord on Saturday. I went a couple of years ago and found it fascinating. I just looked at your Africa pictures and they were AMAZING!!

Heather said...

What a fun idea! I have always wanted to go to the ICE exhibit...

Emily Cade said...

Happy New Year!
Are you guys dressed as bats? Or is that just what you were wearing that day? Very cute. Also, did I miss a post? Are you having a boy??!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Emily...Well, whether our child is a boy or girl, they will be wearing Mavericks gear occasionally! And no, we're not dressed as bats (!), those are the parkas that they give everyone to wear in the exhibit because it's minus 9 degrees in there. They worked pretty well.