1. My fingernails are growing at a rapid pace. I used to think that I would love this, but strangely, I don't. I'm having to trim and file them waaay too much.
2. I am growing (no pun intended) frustrated with my increasingly limited mobility. I am used to doing just about whatever I want to physically. Pick up a box? Ok. Squeeze in that tight spot? Ok. Bend over to pick something up? Of course. Now...these activities are on hold (or restricted in some way) and it's slightly annoying.
What's great about the above two things is that they're really not that big of a deal. I have really enjoyed being pregnant despite the 21 weeks of illness that you would think would taint my view of the whole thing. And while we're not ready quite yet for Ethan to be here, Casey and I both are getting more and more excited about meeting him.

1 comment:
I'm glad you're enjoying pregnancy. I'll admit that I really did not have a good time while pregnant, not at all.
My fingernails didn't grow very fast, but my hair did. If you plan to breastfeed, a lot of these things (like rapidly growing fingernails) will continue until you stop. Just a warning!
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