This kid finally decided that food was okay to eat. This last week he actually started opening his mouth for me. Casey made fun of me because he could hear me from the other room cheering Logan on in my excitement. The small things become victories when you've been trying to coax your baby to eat food for at least a month. Now, he eats anything I give him and wants a lot of it. He looks like a baby bird opening his mouth just waiting for me to put the food inside. And I never can seem to do it quickly enough for him! I am shocked at the amount of food he can eat at once too...but then again, Ethan did that too. It sort of gives me a glimpse into the future when I'll have two teenage boys to keep full. Mercy.

Phew... I'm so glad I'm not the only one who was having this problem. For about the first week, Caleb was pretty cooperative, but then it was like he wanted NOTHING to do with any food item, especially if it was on a spoon. He simply clamped his lips closed. We finally turned a corner about 3 weeks ago after 6 frustrating weeks of trying. YEA! for growing boys!
Just realized I'm signed in with my other account.
He is having too much fun!! it thrills me to see him so happy and loved! You are doing great mom!!
love mimi
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