I know I have been MIA for more than a week on here. We have been enjoying our summer...swimming, spending time at the lake house, and trying to stay cool. And I am way behind on pretty much everything...laundry, photo editing, house projects. But we've been having so much fun. When I get around to editing the photos of our fun, I'll share them here. For now, here are some of the boys I took a while back with a canvas wall gallery in mind (will share that soon too).

Ah...such sweet smiles. You would never believe that this was after I lost Ethan's prized giant Lightning McQueen balloon from his birthday party. Yep. I had brought it outside because hitting it would crack both of them up. But one time after I hit it, Lightning broke free from the string and took flight. Oh, the trauma of losing a precious balloon. I felt so bad. The mini shoot could have gone way off course after that, but I managed to salvage it and get these smiles. Sweet boys.

Striking a serious pose. (I did not tell Ethan to put his hands on Logan's shoulders...he just did that all by himself.)

Both brothers are DONE and ready to bail out of that wagon...

It looks like they are studying the ground here, but no...Logan was chewing on the side of the wagon and Ethan just copied him. He's prone to doing that, which can be cute until Logan unleashes his ear-piercing screeches (no, really...they hurt our ears). Then, we have two ear-piercing screechers.

Ok, today these are my very favorite pictures of the boys! These are really cute and precious!
Oh my... that last one is hilarious! Very cute :)!
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