Thursday, December 08, 2011

'Tis The Season

...for giving gifts. I made several treat topper designs for Christmas because I couldn't make up my mind on what I wanted. As it turns out, I will probably use all of them in one way or another. Ethan and I haven't put together the little gifts we have planned for his teachers yet. We're not really making anything this time, but he's going to help me "write" them a letter and wrap up their gift cards. But for the several recipients of some homemade goodies this year, these toppers will do the trick.

(All of these are available for download, of course. Click on each image to download.)






Rabelers said...

these are adorable! love the designs!

mindy said...

just printed the rudloph one to put on my peppermint popcorn bark. thanks, rachel!