More than a month ago new chairs for our dining room Christmas/Birthday present from my parents. (We found them on They arrived in four long, skinny boxes. You know what that means...

Ethan had the idea to put two boxes together to make a real closed-in fort. And disappeared in there for quite a while with his toys.

Then, they came to help me assemble the 8 chairs. Whenever I attempt a project like this when they are awake, they are like moths to a flame. They always want to be involved. (You can even see "Pat" the hammer in some of these shots...they bring tools when they come "help.")
Ethan got to work sorting out the screws and washers. I cannot believe that we didn't loose one piece of that hardware after the boys played with them so much. I was just convinced that they would misplace (or throw away) something, but it all turned up when I needed it. Like I said, Ethan sorted everything into piles for me...quite handy, actually:
Ethan got to work sorting out the screws and washers. I cannot believe that we didn't loose one piece of that hardware after the boys played with them so much. I was just convinced that they would misplace (or throw away) something, but it all turned up when I needed it. Like I said, Ethan sorted everything into piles for me...quite handy, actually:

Logan climbed onto an upside down chair seat...

....and then couldn't figure out how to get off. Oh, that face!

Then, while Ethan was off playing in the boxes again, Logan took his turn with the hardware. (He's doesn't really put things in his mouth anymore, but I kept a close eye on him anyway.)

Logan is my mimicker. He copies things so accurately and always wants to do whatever Ethan, Mommy, or Daddy is doing. It's pretty cute.

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