Back in June, we took the boys to the Children's Museum at the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science at Fair Park. It was a nice, cool way to spend a summer morning when it was really toasty outside. And the boys loved it.
There is a "fire station" just as you come down the stairs to the Children's Museum, and needless to say, it was one of our boys' favorite parts.

I loved that there were two steering wheels on that fire truck. Brilliant.

And a slide off the back of the truck. The fire station had exposed brick and real lockers too. So cute. The boys ate it up.

We skipped (well, Ethan ran past) the next room (but we came back later) and went right into the water room. They had little aprons hanging on the wall for the kids, but our boys had no need for such things.

And actually, they didn't spend much time in the water room. There was not really much in there for them to play with. And also, they got a glimpse of the next room and hurried in there. But not after trying out their balancing skills first.

Next up was the farm. A huge hit with both boys.

This photo of the three of them milking that plastic cow cracks me up. But I guess it is a good thing for kids to know where their food comes from...more than just the grocery store.

The bins of fruits and veggies were so fun for them. Ethan carefully sorted the food from the wheel barrows to their proper bins. He was very serious about it. Logan kept pulling up food pieces and trying to say their names. We spent quite a while in this section.

The little miniature house was cute too. The boys worked together on a puzzle.

And used the computers. This next photo kills me. I love that Logan is using the mouse as a phone. What's funny is that he totally knows what a mouse does. I have some deleted emails to prove it. Or more accurately, I don't have them anymore. They got that little one clicking away with my mouse. Maybe he was thrown off track at the museum because we have wireless mouses at our house or because our computers are not so giant...and purple.

Next we ventured into the "back yard." Fun stuff back here. A tunnel through the dirt like an ant. In goes Ethan first....

...followed by Logan. Little brother often will do things if Ethan does them first.

Ethan making his way through the giant spider web.

And after seeing big brother do it, Logan makes his way through too.

Logan and Casey are looking at a tarantula. And the boys are obviously checking out a snake. There were several reptiles and such in glass cases in the "back yard." Turtles, frogs, snakes, etc. The boys loved looking at every one.

Practicing balancing skills again. Not too bad.

And now back to the room we skipped. With sensory activities...

...and very entertaining silly mirrors.

On our way out we stopped to play with the bubbles. On our way in to the museum, we briefly stopped here but it was kind of busy with other people, so we opted to head on in to the exhibits. On our way out, however, it was completely empty so we got to make some giant bubbles.

The museum was so entertaining for the boys because it was aimed at their age groups. They loved it and were really hands-on with the activities and exhibits. We spent almost two hours in there, which was perfect, because after that, it was time to head home for lunch and naps!

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