Since Ethan's birthday back in May, when he received all three Toy Story movies, he has lived and breathed all things Toy Story. He fell hard and fast for the movies and characters. He has dressed up like a cowboy (Woody) almost every single day for months. He only takes the costume off to take a nap. He even wears it when we run errands, which is always a fun experience because it draws people into conversation with him.

Anyway, in the midst of my closet transformation in my office (while everything was still strewn about the room), Ethan and Logan brought their toys in to play. I don't know where the eye patch came into play, but both boys love to wear it. This cowboy costume was actually Ethan's Halloween costume from two years ago. Since these photos were taken (over a month ago), we have gotten him a bigger cowboy hat and boots and passed these down to Logan, who also loves to wear them.

Look closely at Ethan's right boot in the photo below. Do you see something written on the bottom? Can't be Woody without "Andy" written on his boot!

And a spontaneous tumble backwards (on purpose) ended our little photo session. Gotta love the chaos in the background of all of these. It makes me appreciate that it's all cleaned up now.

Logan's turn with the eye patch...

Playing with a barrel of monkeys (right out of Toy Story). He was making the "ooh-ahh-ahh" sounds in the photo below. Logan loves to make monkey sounds and it is so cute. He's at the stage right now where everything he says is just so darn cute.

1 comment:
How fun! That's too cute about Ethan wearing his Woody costume and I know I just saw him yesterday, but in that last picture of Logan, he looks like a little boy... not baby anymore! I love the closeup of his eye patch and next to his lashes on the other eye.
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