Monday, March 04, 2013

Digging in Dirt

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The boys have found a bald patch of our lawn right behind their swing set rock wall. So, naturally, they started playing in the dirt back there. On this particular (nice) day, they were digging and scooping, pouring, and moving dirt for over an hour.

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This just shows how much fun they'd have with a sand box, but that is not happening. I can't deal with sand on a semi-daily basis. I would literally go insane. We have thought about filling up the bottom level of their fort with pebbles  though...still a possibility. But really, so far, the dirt is doing just fine...

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They were resourceful and pulled out the pool toys, knowing that there were scoops and shovels in there.

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I love this kid. His clothing combinations are sometimes wacky since he dresses himself, but I kind of like seeing what he throws on in the morning.

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Logan can never keep whatever he's got in his hands off his, paint, play-doh, dirt...

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