First of all, I know that these contraptions are not technically "bikes." Ethan's is a 360 Razor tricycle and Logan's is a Harley Davidson tricycle. But we've called them bikes ever since they got them for Christmas, so that's what I'll call them here too.
They have ridden them pretty much every single day since Christmas. No weather is too wet or cold or windy for them. However, they are required to have an adult out there with them since they are riding in the street, so if it's too wet, cold, or windy for us, we nix the idea. Somehow, they've convinced at least one of us every day, though.

Ethan has quickly picked up on how to get his bike to turn how we wants. The back wheels spin 360 degrees, so the handling on the thing reminds me of those unwieldy Ikea shopping carts. But, he's really got it down after just a little bit of practice.

Logan, who has not been willing to learn to pedal very hard on his "big" bike, is a speed machine on his trike.

I guess he abandoned the bike for some reason and resorted to running for a while.

And loving on Duke...

And just being cute.

See? There's Ethan mastering the turns.

He's much more willing to do the full 360 degree turns now that he feels more in control of the bike. It's fun to watch him spin around and around...and love every minute.

Uh, oh! Logan took a tumble! He was (understandably) not very happy about this.

But, just a couple of minutes later, it was like nothing happened and he was back to racing down the driveway again.

Duke loved watching the boys (although he wanted to chase them) and also trying to eat all sorts of things on the ground (like acorns).

This kid can be so silly...

I actually had to jump out of the way after this photo to avoid being run over! He brakes for no one. Stinker.

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