Friday, December 01, 2006

Wintry Mix

It seems like winter came with a venegance - for a day at least. One day it's a balmy 78 degrees and the next, they're putting sand on the icy bridges and overpasses. So much for a gradual seasonal change. But then, I should be used to Texas weather by now.

Even though I'm a warmer-weather girl, there are still a few things about winter that I can appreciate: snow flurries, hot chocolate, fires, scarves and mittens, Christmas, soup, no mosquitos, and coats (coats for me are like shoes to every other girl).

And there are, of course, some things about winter I could live without: ice, being cold, getting a cold, cold wind, being cold (did I mention that?).


Unknown said...

I like cold weather much better than hot. I don't really like being cold, either. but I hate being hot. Plus, I enjoy the activities/holidays cold weather brings much more than the ones associated with hot weather. And I prefer winter clothing to summer. That's probably because I've noticed that the more of my flesh that's covered by clothing, the better I tend to look. I'm not trying to belittle myself either- just being honest- I feel slimmer in winter clothing than I do in summer clothing and thus feel better about my appearance!

Amberly said...

Rachel, did you take that picture? If so, that is awesome!! You totally need to print that out & frame it. If not... just pretend you did & play along! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did take the picture - but my camera did most of the work. Thanks for the compliment, Amberly!