Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring Break

No, I don't get a spring break at my job. That is one of the sad things about being out of school or not teaching school. But, I love spring break for one very awesome reason - little to no traffic! Yes, I spend about half the time I usually do in my car this week! In all seriousness, it's literally half the time. It's all those people that are either sleeping in or are out of town. Come to think of it, couldn't we work out a plan to start schools and businesses at different times so we're not all on the road at the same time? Maybe?


Stephanie said...

Amen to that! I thought about posting on the same topic. It is unreal how clear the roads have been this week. You can always tell a difference on staff development days, etc. too.

Lynn Leaming said...

Steve has said the same thing. In fact yesterday he set a record after us living here nine years, he made it home in 31 minutes!