Naming a child is hard. Since we found out for sure that we're having a boy on Friday, the first question everyone has asked is, "so, what are you going to name him?" It's sort of like when you announce your engagement and everyone asks, "so, when's the wedding?"
I have had names for both a boy and a girl already picked out but there's this little issue of agreeing on those names with Casey. Not that he's hard to deal with or anything...but I guess we both just want to make sure that we don't have naming regret so we're just not comitted to anything at this point.
There's another little issue in this naming business and that is that Casey can't seem to quit joking about names. He throws names out there that we wouldn't possibly name our child. This is funny for a while, but at some point we do actually have to name this little boy something.
must be a guy thing- cody always threw out wacky names too. maybe it helps them relieve the pressure or something.
Daniel did the exact same thing...
We had a hard time deciding and agreeing
Chris threw out weird names too. ex. Snow, Night...Must be a guy thing! :)
It doesn't only happen to you, and it's not a phenomenon of recent decades.
My dad was "Boy" on his birth certificate until college. (They quickly settled on "Tommie," which he shortened to "Tom" officially in college.)
Tim and I already have our boy names picked out for whenever we decide to have a little one. I think that's because we're destined to have boys. Girl names...that's the hard one.
You could always wait until you see him to finalize the name, see what name he looks more like! So excited for the two of you!
your mom called you fred for two years
I'm sooo excited for you two and especially so since you're having a little boy! A name will come to you guys eventually. Sometimes the name books though are overwhelming!
Nathan was the only name out of literally HUNDREDS of names that Brandon and I agreed on. I'm sure you've already started making lists! (I love lists too)
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