Ethan is four months old now. We can't believe it's been four months since he was born. It seems like forever ago that we first met him and yet it doesn't seem like he could actually be four months old. He is wanting to grab anything and everything now and really loves to suck on his right pointer finger although he still likes his pacifier too. He is into screeching and laughing and smiling. He is still trying to figure out his new bouncer but I think when he does, he's going to love it because he loves any type of movement like that. He's just a precious boy and we are so thankful for him. Here's his four month stats from his doctor's appointment:
Weight: 15.1 pounds (50-75%)
Height: 26 inches (75-90%)

Oh my goodness, he's just getting cuter and cuter!
He is precious! The bottom picture makes him look tall/older! Wow! Great pictures, Rachel!!!
Ethan is just so stinkin' cute! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing with us!
You don't need professional pics - you are professional. Beautiful pictures - thanks for sharing.
He's beautiful... and so are your pictures :). Were you by chance using your dad's 5D camera? I meant to post a comment on your blog about using the camera. I'm looking into possibly purchasing the 40D, but right now I have the Rebel XTi and am experimenting with an external flash and a different lens. I'm so excited that the flash I bought comes in sometime this week. Also, how do you design your blog? Do you use Photoshop? Just curious!
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