Tuesday, September 01, 2009

A Blog in Review

A new month and a new design. Ethan and I spent a little time outside this morning, and although I killed not one but two mosquitos already biting me, it felt wonderful outside. I always feel ready for fall every year in September. So, my blog has a new fall design. And coincidentally, today marks this blog's 3 year anniversary. It seems longer than 3 years. But, I started scrolling through some of my older posts and reminiscing about what I wrote. Here's a quick review:

My first post ever was written on September 1, 2006 and was about chocolate cake.

I wrote about two big vacations: Italy in 2006 (Rome, Florence Part 1, Florence Part 2, Venice) and Africa in 2007.

There have been a few "favorite things" posts.

Of course, some organization.

A little bit about the love of my life.

Unfortunately, there was also The Great Hair Massacre and The Great Cheese Incident.

The was the beginning of my book lists in 2007. Followed by lists in 2008 and 2009.

The award for post with the most comments appropriately goes to: "Introducing Ethan Joseph." It beat out "Coming May 2008" by one comment.

The most common blog topic has been Ethan with a whopping 80 posts about him so far despite the fact he has only been alive for less than half the life of this blog.

As of today a total of 429 posts have been written, including this one.

And the blog has seen a few different styles since it began with Douglas Bowman's No.565 template:


1 comment:

Mary said...

I love all your blog designs! I think you could market it! Others certainly have! Glad to have been following it from the beginning!