Monday, October 05, 2009

Inquiring Minds

People with small children...I want to know how you handle your shopping cart in the parking lot after shopping. Personally, I have a system. Most of the time I unload my shopping bags (most often groceries) into the back of the car while Ethan is still in the cart. Then, I take the cart to the designated cart area in the parking lot and leave it there, taking Ethan back with me, of course. Then I strap him in his car seat and we go. Admittedly, I have wondered how my routine will be different if/when I have more than one child, but this is what I do now.

Recently, I heard a mom say that she was "one of those people" that left her cart roaming freely in the parking lot after shopping because she didn't want to leave her child alone in the car to go put it up. It had never occurred to me to do things that way. So, I want to know. What do you do?

Also, I want to know why the check out girl started bagging my groceries in plastic bags immediately after asking me if I wanted her to use my reusable bags that I had just handed to her. I answered "yes," by the way.


Kaitlin said...

Out of habit I guess? That's unfortunate. The other day I handed the guy at the checkout a penny with my other $$ so I would get 50 cents back instead of 49 cents with more pennies. He didn't take it...refused to take the penny and give the couple quarters. Then we come to find out we didn't make it home with the donuts we bought. I think he was mad at us and didn't bother to tell us it was still on his little rack.

And about the shopping cart thing: I think what you do is probably the thing most people should do. If you have more children, Ethan will be able to walk next to you more independently and it may be easier. Maybe not. I don't know. I am a person who returns the cart though. :) Unless it's raining or something...then I'm less likely to do that.

Heather said...

I do exactly the same thing you do...I don't guess I've ever thought about doing it any other way! :)

Anonymous said...

Having had a car scratched and dented by a free-roving shopping cart, I beg you to please put it in the designated spot!

Supermom-In-Training said...

I've always done it the same way you do it. The only exception is if I park right next to the shopping cart return, I might put JD in the car while I unload and return the cart. But I leave his door open the whole time so I can see him.

Unknown said...

I usually try to park right next to the shopping cart return- just makes it so much easier since you have to walk to it anyway! Even if I am parked a little ways away from the return, I put my kids in the car then return the cart. It doesn't bother me to leave my kids alone in the car for 5 seconds while they are in my line of sight while I walk a cart to the return.

Brooke said...

Oh this is such a soap box issue for me. I always return the cart. I don't accept many excuses for this. I do what you do. When I have 2, I'll do the same. Even if I had twins, I'd put away the cart. My thing is, if you are able to get in the store with your kids and shop with your kids, why can't you return the cart, after unloading the cart, with your kids? If you can't, get assistance.

Lindsay said...

Yes, I return the cart always. I am like Becky though, I strap the kids in and return the cart. I always park reasonably close so my eye is on the car. It is no problemo at all.

Donna Jo said...

Hey Rachel I found your blog not to long ago from Emily Chaffin. I don't know if you remember me I roomed with Emily and them senior year.
My neighbor just had her 18 month old son "jump" out of the shopping cart while she was unloading the groceries into her car. She now puts him in his car seat first then unloads and puts the cart away. I would assume she starts the car before if it was too hot outside.
I do what you do exactly and it works for me but I have a less active girl!
-Donna Jo

Kristen said...

I always return my cart. I actually do it the opposite that I have 2 kids. I don't like to turn my back on my kids while I unload groceries or leave them in the cart while cars are driving by. so I unload my kids first in their car seats & then do groceries & then lock the car to return my cart. I never leave them in the car with the car unlocked. I usually just shop at a store that unloads for me. That is the very reason why I don't go to Walmart.

Mary said...

I usually put Charlie in the car, and keep Max in the cart, then unload I guess I do both. This is soley based on personalities of my kids, Charlie is much more likely to get into trouble, so he goes in first. Then, I return the cart with Max and strap him in. I also try to park close to a return. Makes it easier getting in too, I just hop out, get a cart, put them both in, and enter the store with them already in the cart.

Anonymous said...

If I'm by myself with Zoie, I always park by a cart return no matter how far away it is. I put her in her seat, load the bags, then take a few steps away to put up my cart. I'll definitely keep doing it this way with another one on the way. :~)


Amberly said...

I typically also park as close as possible to a cart return. But, I unload my kiddos first, then the groceries. It doesn't bother me to leave the kids in the car for a second while I'm returning the cart.