Ok, so I won't leave you hanging for long about that hospital visit during our trip. Even though I'd rather tell about the fun stuff first! The last place you want to be on vacation is at a hospital, yet on Monday night, that's where I found myself...in my bathing suit, smelling like sunscreen and sweat, hooked up to monitors to make sure that Logan and I were okay. We were...and are, by the way.
Basically, I fainted / blacked out / lost consciousness...whatever you want to call it. For about 10 seconds or so. Casey and I had just finished eating dinner at this really great little beach-side restaurant. I started to feel dizzy, light-headed, and a little nauseous. I couldn't get the feeling to go away and I couldn't really put my head between my legs like I wanted to because we were sitting at a bar-height table on stools. At one critical point, I felt like I might throw up and I really did not want to do that on the floor in public, so I made the (stupid) decision to go to the bathroom. I made it about 2 steps.
The last thing I remember is laying my head down on Casey's shoulder. He says that he felt me do that and then felt me go completely limp. So, he swung around on the stool and caught my arm and the back of my head and lowered me to the ground. The next thing I remember was him leaning over me asking me if I was okay. During the time I had blacked out, the manager of the restaurant had called 911. People were staring at me, of course, which I hated. So, we moved outside to a bench. After I regained consciousness, I felt fine.
The paramedics arrived and checked my blood pressure (fine), and my heart rate (a little high, but not bad) and told me that I should go to the hospital to get checked out since I'd lost consciousness and was pregnant. Looking back, I wonder if that was necessary, but at the time, I was still a little fuzzy...and Casey was obviously concerned.
So, I rode in the ambulance and saw the sunset I had been waiting to see...from the back of the ambulance while strapped down on a gurney and getting an IV. Great. At the hospital, the ER wanted nothing to do with me since I was pregnant, and they sent me up to labor and delivery where Logan and I were monitored for about an hour. They asked me a thousand questions and I drank about a gallon of water. Then we took a taxi back to our hotel. All in all, the incident only lasted about 3 hours total, which is not too bad.
As to why this happened at all...no one really knows yet. They thought it might have been the sun, but we had only been outside for a couple of hours that day...and not really in the sun at all. Then, they thought it might have been dehydration, but apparently I was not dehydrated. Vitamin or mineral deficiency? Blood sugar problem? Who knows? This type of thing has actually happened to me before...and as recently as three weeks ago. After dinner out with friends, I felt the same dizziness and light-headedness I did on our trip. Only that time, the feeling passed and I never fainted at all. Hmmm...maybe after a talk with my OB we will figure it out! So far it's only happened after dinner and in restaurants, and I'd kind of like it to not happen again!

Oh my! So sorry you had to spend your vacation like that! Hope you figure it out soon...
I am not sure what my guess is. Perhaps a blood flow thing with how you sit, eat, breathe at dinner???
Wow Rachel! Not fun! Glad you guys had a good time together and can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip.
I'm glad that everything turned out okay! So scary!
I'm sorry you got sick! I am glad in the end you and Logan are ok. Made for quite an adventurous trip!
That's scary! I'm glad Casey was so quick to catch you! I hope it doesn't happen again!
Oh my goodness - I'm so glad you're ok. What a story!
Wow! I am so sorry! I had no idea... I have only been checking blogs every couple of weeks and was totally out of the loop on your entire trip!!! Glad you are ok! Let us know what your OB says!
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