The first day, we ate pancakes for breakfast and then Ethan and I baked some banana bread. Then Ethan and daddy watched Cars and Logan had his first taste of cereal (more on that later).
The second day started with a power outage...while I was in the shower. Thankfully it only lasted 30 minutes so I was able to dry my hair. Wet hair and freezing cold temperatures don't mix. I ventured out to the mailbox at some point...only to pick up the previous day's mail and to drop in a Netfilx movie...and almost broke my neck on our sidewalk. The day ended with all of us making, then eating, homemade pizza.
And now today, the third day of our ice-in, preschool has been cancelled again and so has my hair cut. The one that I've waited an extra two weeks for because of my hair dresser's maternity leave. She cuts Ethan's hair when she cuts mine, so he is getting pretty shaggy too.
Based on the fact that this is our third day to not even leave the house, I guess it was a good call for me to go to the grocery store on Monday after all. It's been fun, but I'm very much over the extreme cold. Too much of a good thing is still too much. And I'm definitely a homebody, but I am so ready to get out of this house. So tomorrow, if the roads are any better, I plan on doing the only reasonable thing...get dressed in real clothes, put on my make-up, and go to Target.
Nothing like Target to make you feel alive!!!
I totally miss being forced to stay in doors because of extreme temps or snow. There is something so cozy and relaxing about not being able to get out, so you have to watch movies, or you have to read, or do whatever!!! And three days sounds like a good amount... I can see how four would get a little cabin feverish! Hope you get out tomorrow!!!
I do love snow/ice days, but you are right, it doesn't take too long to go stir crazy. We had a whole week off of school in January because of heavy snow. By Wednesday we were ready to get out!
I think you'll be able to out tomorrow. I went to work today, and getting out of the neighborhood is a little tricky, but the well-traveled roads are pretty good, and much improved this afternoon. Just kick it into 1st or 2nd gear on the icy parts, and you'll be fine. :) I could have stayed home today, too, but I have some serious cabin fever!!!
We ventured to Chick-fil-a today because the boys were climbing the walls. It was worth the cold trek to let them run off some steam! (and for some good waffle fries!)
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