I am bad, bad, bad for just now putting up Logan's 8 month photos. And actually, I just took them today! And he's 10 days away from turning 9 months old now. Well, better late than never, I guess.

This little stinker is such a source of laughter in our house. He has started babbling a lot and still chews on everything. No teeth yet, though. Ethan is still his most favorite person. He laughs so hard when Casey reads the Dear Zoo book to the both of them at bedtime. It is so cute and funny that I have to catch it on video soon. We have no idea why he finds that book so funny, but he does!

Logan can stand without holding on to anything for several seconds now and his crawl is getting really fast. He's blowing raspberries all the time too now (see that photo below with his tongue sticking out...that's what he's doing there.)

And our "little" man is almost a full pound lighter than his brother was at this age. I was pretty sure he was, but I verified it when I went back and looked at Ethan's 8 Month post. (I did weigh and measure Logan a few weeks ago when he first turned 8 months.)

Logan can stand without holding on to anything for several seconds now and his crawl is getting really fast. He's blowing raspberries all the time too now (see that photo below with his tongue sticking out...that's what he's doing there.)

And our "little" man is almost a full pound lighter than his brother was at this age. I was pretty sure he was, but I verified it when I went back and looked at Ethan's 8 Month post. (I did weigh and measure Logan a few weeks ago when he first turned 8 months.)
Weight: 18.8 pounds
Height: 27 inches

Thanks, Mary, for letting me borrow those Baby Legs for this photo shoot! I think we may need some of our own...they're great! (The "Mister Charming" onesie is from Old Navy.)

Did you leave them on...they make changing diapers SOOO much easier, no pants to pull off and on! I am in love with them! By the way, loved the new fabric too! And BOY is that boy's hair turning really red!
Cute Cute Cute
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