Wet Bag from Essie Designs. I decided to get one of these to hold our swimsuits when I need to stash them back in my tote bag after swimming. I've already done that enough times this summer and it's just beginning. Although, it can be used for many other things too...see the listing for more info. This one is 12x12...large enough to hold several wet items. I love it!

Water Wrap Carrier from Texas MommaDi's Etsy Shop. I totally credit my friend, Mary, for showing me this wrap she's getting for her littlest one. How cool are these? A baby wrap you can get wet! I didn't even know they existed, but what a great idea. So practical since I already feel like I need 4 more hands when we go swimming. At least with this, I can use the two I actually have.

Monogrammed Striped Tote from James Paige Design. I can personally attest to the size and usefulness of this tote since I got this exact one from Target a couple of months ago. Mine is not striped or monogrammed and therefore not as cute as these, but it is my go-to bag that I always keep packed in the laundry room for going to the pool. It's perfect for summer.

Sunglass Case from The Craft Queen. Handy for stashing your sunglasses when you don't want them to get scratched by random stuff in your bag.

Sunglass Case from The Craft Queen. Handy for stashing your sunglasses when you don't want them to get scratched by random stuff in your bag.

Oh... I'm loving the wet wrap - I think that may be on my list to buy!
OK, that wrap is the best thing ever! IT is SUPER light weight, dries even faster, and stores small (unlike its similar counterpart, the moby wrap). I might just wear it around all summer, even if I am not in the water!!!
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