Friday, September 02, 2011

The Best Laid Plans

My mom and dad kept both of the boys last night to spend some time with them and to give me time to myself today. I love them for that and Casey's parents are the same way. We are blessed. So, I made BIG plans with what was going to be a lot of free time for me today.

I planned to make muffins and cookies for our upcoming weekend trip, pack for weekend trip, finish the laundry, tackle a few home projects, edit photos from a recent session. In other words...way too much to get done in one day even without kids!

And then, last night, I got sick. After Casey and I had a kid-free steak dinner at Steve Field's for restaurant week. I'll spare you the details of the things we ate....because it came right back up around 1:30 this morning. I had felt funny yesterday and it turns out I had/have a bug that manifested itself late last night.

So, today, instead of accomplishing so much with all my free time, this is what I have done instead: feel nauseous, lay on the couch, take a shower (a small victory), eat a few crackers, sip Gatorade, take a nap (which I never do unless I'm sick). As of right now (3:10pm), I am feeling much better. (And after some leftover Zofran from my pregnancy. So glad I kept that.)

I'll tell you one thing...I am SO glad I have a great support system to take care of me. My mom and dad had the boys, which is unbelievably helpful. And Casey worked from home today so he could take care of me. He's been the "errand boy" and forced me to take that nap.

I'm still sad I didn't get to accomplish the things I wanted to today, but, at least I had a day off to rest and recuperate. It could be worse!


mindy said...

Sorry:( Hope you feel lots better very soon in time for your trip! Glad your family helped you get some rest. Thanks for your sweet and encouraging comments:)

Blair said...

Zofran rocks. That is all.