The weekend after Thanksgiving we went to Disney on Ice at an event center really close to our house. My parents treated us to the show (even though they couldn't go) and I wouldn't have even known about it if it wasn't for my mom. Way to pay attention to local events, Mimi!
Anyway, this was our first time to take the boys to any show like this at all. And it was a huge success. They both loved it. Casey and I did too. It was so fun.
Ethan knew some of the characters and understood most of the story lines so it was such a thrill for him. He was enthralled the whole time, but he was especially excited when Mickey and his friends would come out on the ice. He had no idea what to expect, and seeing his face when the show finally started and he realized what it was going to be....was priceless.

Me, my littlest, and my crazy hair:

Ethan knew some of the characters and understood most of the story lines so it was such a thrill for him. He was enthralled the whole time, but he was especially excited when Mickey and his friends would come out on the ice. He had no idea what to expect, and seeing his face when the show finally started and he realized what it was going to be....was priceless.

We were not sure how Logan would do during the show, but he sat absolutely still for the entire first half. I am not kidding. I don't think the child moved a muscle that whole time. His eyes were locked on the show. For the second half, which was past his bedtime...he got restless. But he got interested again when Captain Hook and the pirates came out.

The show we went to was called Mickey and Minnie's Magical Journey. Mickey and friends were traveling around the globe to different destinations and characters from those settings performed during their visit. The Lion King (Africa), The Little Mermaid (Under the Sea), Lilo and Stitch (Hawaii), and Peter Pan (London).
Here's Mickey and the gang dressed for their safari to Africa:
Simba, Pumbaa, and Timon:
The parachute/umbrella things they used for the jellyfish in this scene were also very cool:

Mickey came over to our corner to say "hi" to the kids, which Ethan loved:Here's Mickey and the gang dressed for their safari to Africa:

Simba, Pumbaa, and Timon:

One of my favorite parts of the show was during The Little Mermaid leg of the journey. The "Under the Sea" number was so colorful with all the sea life and they had bubbles coming down from the ceiling. You can see Sebastian and Flounder in this shot:

The parachute/umbrella things they used for the jellyfish in this scene were also very cool:

Mickey and friends in jolly ol' London:
Peter Pan, Wendy, John, and Michael actually flying out of the nursery...a moment of awe for our boys:
It just wouldn't be a show without pirates showing up. Actually, that was a highlight for our two little guys:
And very close to the end...a giant crocodile coming for Captain Hook:

Peter Pan, Wendy, John, and Michael actually flying out of the nursery...a moment of awe for our boys:

It just wouldn't be a show without pirates showing up. Actually, that was a highlight for our two little guys:

And very close to the end...a giant crocodile coming for Captain Hook:

I would have gotten a few photos of the grand finale, but that was when Logan was starting to lose it, so I had my hands full. But because we were so close to home, 15 minutes after the end of the show we were walking in our back door and getting ready for bed. It was so easy. I would say that I enjoyed the show more than even the boys, but they enjoyed it a lot so I'm not sure that's true!
By the way, if you ever intend to go to a Disney on Ice show, here are some of my opinions/tips:
1. Don't bother paying extra for the floor seats. Unless you can be sure you're going to be in the front row, you will be sitting behind at least one row of people or more without risers. It is a worse view than the seats above the floor that are tiered. We sat just to the left of center "stage" and about 4 rows up in the risers. Significantly less expensive and a great view. The stage is actually centered on what is usually considered the end of the ice rink, but getting side seats (on the long sides) would be absolutely fine. The show is all over the rink and you would really not miss a thing from those seats. (PS - we didn't have to buy a ticket for Logan because he was under two.)
2. Even if it is not cold oustide, bring a sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket for your kids (and you, if you don't like being cold.) It is cold near an ice rink, obviously.
3. Bring your own snacks if the event center allows. Ours actually didn't, but they also didn't do bag searches at the doors. So, we made it in with our few snacks. I guess I'm not as much of a rule-follower as I thought. And I wish I had brought more. There were concessions if we had wanted to buy food there.
4. Bring your own "toys." My mom thoughtfully got the boys small Mickey Mouse plush toys to take to the show. They were a big hit with the boys since Mickey was in the show and we didn't have to buy the overpriced ones for sale there. And boy, they were definitely overpriced.

So sweet Rachel!!! That must have been SO MUCH FUN for the boys!!!
I noticed that in the picture with you and Logan, you both have dimples and the same cheeks! So that's where he get's his cute smile!!
Fist pump for ice skating shows! Glad you all had fun. The pictures are great.
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