The third Christmas this year was on Christmas Day at my parents' house. After we had our Christmas at home, we cleaned up and got dressed for church. And then, just as we pulled into a parking space at the building, Logan threw up. It got all over his cute Christmas outfit AND I didn't have anything else for him to wear. I am sort of past carrying extra clothes because I never need them. Until I do. So, we turned back around and went back home to clean up the littlest. He ended up taking a nap while I washed his outfit and car seat (ugh). Then we went over to my parents' house for lunch.
A smiley boy and his Mimi (despite the incident in the car that morning, and the fact that he was battling an ear infection.)

The boys had stockings at Mimi and Pop's house too. A phone for Logan, and some more Cars characters for Ethan. Both boys got some plush Disney characters as well.

Believe it or not, this was the best photo of the four of us. Logan will not put down his Cheerios for anything...we don't even try anymore. And Ethan. Who knows what that face is? And he is tightly grasping...Daisy. Yes, Daisy. And his new Cars Pez dispenser.

Opening presents was like controlled chaos. At times, not so controlled. But fun.

Poor Logan. Opening presents is tiring. Especially when you didn't sleep very well the night before (due to congestion). But daddy doesn't mind cuddling.

And Christmas wouldn't be complete (at least for Ethan) without watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

I love that face your mom is making! You make that face too! :)
Too fun! I love your mom's expression holding the family photo! Cute!
That family photo is classic!!! :) Looks like such a fun day! We love Rudolph so much as well.
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