This Monday I took the boys to the Arboretum to see the yearly Dallas Blooms. It was a beautiful day with the perfect amount of breeze. I brought a sweater but quickly shed it. I also brought my brand new shoes I was breaking in for our New York trip...and I got blisters. And serious grass stains on the shoes. Not what I had in mind. But, we had a great time. I even got a few (a very few) good photos of the boys.

The boys had the best time running around the open grass and in the "Small Houses of Great Artists" like Seurat, Georgia O'Keefe, Picasso, and Monet. Seurat (very bottom) and Monte's (very top) houses were my favorite, but I think the boys liked Picasso's (2nd from bottom) best because it had lots of small doors for them to run through.

After all that exploring and running around, the boys were hungry. That's why we almost always bring a picnic. And because they were sitting down and eating, I got a few more photos. Nothing makes them sit still like food.

You can't really tell from the photos above (except maybe that last one!), but Logan was not feeling it with the photos that morning. The tears were flowing. So, I got quite a few (kind of sweet) outtakes. They're good for memories and maybe a little chuckle:

I promised the boys suckers for taking a few photos. So, they were both pretty happy on the way out of the grounds. Ethan always chooses a blue sucker if given the choice. I'm not sure if that's because he likes his tongue turning blue, or because he likes the blueberry flavor. This was only Logan's second or third sucker ever. He just loved it and did not care what color it was.

I wish I had gotten them to sit still and smile without the suckers. But, we'll try again next week when we go back with Nonnie! And even if my kids won't stand still, the flowers will. They are just so beautiful and indicative of Spring that I had to snap a few photos.

That makes me want to go to the arboretum! I think i need to get that on our calendar...
love the photos and their matching shirts! too cute! I need to get out there again - it's beautiful!
Thanks for picking up the "Small Houses" at the Dallas Arboretum in your blog! Your photography is incredible - would you mind if I linked from my blog to yours?
Rachel, these photos are wonderful, and as always the boys are so precious. We are actually all going together on Friday morning :)! The top left photo of the individual flower photo is so elegant and rich at the same time. Great shots!
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