I am not a current events blogger. Well, actually, I guess I am. I write about my family's current events. But the events of last Friday in Conneticut just cannot be ignored. I wish they could. I really, really wish I could erase from my brain the heart-wrenching pain that comes to mind when I think of it. But I can't, because nearly every time I looked at my boys this weekend, I was flooded with grief for the parents who lost a child on Friday. When I tucked in my 4.5 year old and he said, "I love you, mommy," I thought of the parents who were not tucking in their beloved baby any more. And when I wrapped my boys' Christmas gifts after they went to bed, I thought of the children whose presents will go unopened next Tuesday. And when I heard this song come on my Pandora Christmas station Friday night, I think my heart broke even more:
(Away in a Manger - last 2 verses)
Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray
Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to heaven
To be with you there
Stuff like this simply should not happen. Senseless, unspeakable pain. Honestly, when I was young, I could not even fathom questioning God about things like this, but I understand it now. I know He never leaves us. And I know He hears our groaning. It is times like these that Romans 8:26 makes so much sense to me..."the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."

Well said. I just can't wrap my head around it, though. Heartbreaking.
i keep going back to the verse "the LORD is close to the brokenhearted."
I really cannot even form words to express my disbelief and grief over what happened at Sandy Hook, and I don't even care to know of a motive. But I'm with you--to think of those parents who didn't get to come home to or pick up their children--it's heartwrenching. We gave Owen many many extra hugs that night.
I have tried three times to put into words and I keep erasing them-I am very sad and as a parent cannot imagine what they are going through!
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