The waiting leaves plenty of time to catch up with cousins, or second-cousins, as the case may be with Lily.

We did indeed have lunch, and then the children were suddenly unable to resist the urge to mess around with the presents under the tree. We took the cue to go ahead and let them open gifts.

There is no time like right before opening presents to snap a quick cousin photo. You can say things like, "whoever takes the photo gets to open their presents." And then, like magic, they will comply.

It's only fair (and funny) to show the opposite side of the photo...the paparazzi. (PS - how cute are Memaw's hanging wreaths and Christmas tree? Love them.)

Logan tears into his first gift, which I think was an Elmo magnet book.

He loved it and immediately starting taking out all the little magnets. (Keeping track of all the toy pieces at family Christmases is a task, let me tell you.)

And here's Ethan's first gift...

It was a United States Atlas book. I can still hear Memaw's uncertainty when she asked me what he would enjoy, and I told her he would love something like this. But, she became a believer when he opened it and said, "Look! It's a United States map book!" So thrilled.

Memaw and Papaw's other gift for the boys was a set of remote controlled bumper cars. You know those were a big hit.

Surely we are not the only ones whose men love to play with the toys as much as the kids. Especially the remote control variety. (Every year.)

The cars were moved to the kitchen so there was more room to play and learn how to use them.

There are two riders, one on each car. When they do bump each other or something else, the rider ejects. The boys found that really fun and funny.

The adults are watching the kids play with their toys. And Casey is giving me a weird look.

Speaking of weird looks, these are three silly siblings. I love how Chelsea and Casey are both doing a nose flare. They did not coordinate that. We just snapped this one randomly. They must be related.

And now for the normal one. They all have great normal smiles too.

The ladies of the Cooke clan.

And me and Casey. This was minutes before our children began to have melt-downs due to too much sugar and no sleep. So goes Christmas with small children.

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