First, in goes the butter. I always cut the 2 sticks of butter into as many slices as possible so that they can toss in as many pieces as possible.
Staring at the dough as it's coming together...
We have dough! Now, to pat and roll so we can cut our cookies. The boys always get such a kick out of sprinkling the flour right on the counter. It's very contrary to our normal habits of wiping things off the counter.
Taking turns with the rolling pin...
And now they've selected cutters and press them into the dough. Press and wiggle. Ethan now remembers just what to do. Logan is still learning, but does a good job.
After we've cut out all of our cookies, we take a break for them to bake. And this is the state of the kitchen post-cookie making. It should almost make me break out in hives, but for some reason, I love this tradition and baking with the boys so much that I can somehow handle it.
And we're back...with a clean counter top and some cookies to decorate! (And different PJ's).
Ethan knows that he prefers cookies without sprinkles, so he usually applies more icing and less sprinkles. Logan loves to use the sprinkles.
We did not wait to taste-test these cookies. The icing was not even dry yet.
I think they were tasty.
Ethan gives them a thumbs-up.
And here they are. Minus the two that were already eaten!
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