When we arrived at Nonnie and Papaw's house it was almost time for lunch. While the last minute preparations were being made, the boys all played outside on the trampoline. Thank goodness for beautiful Texas weather!

Lots of presents just waiting to be opened!

We had a wonderful lunch and then the boys played with this game pad while waiting for Aunt Chelsea and Uncle Chad to arrive.

When everyone was assembled, and after a LONG time of passing out presents, the opening began! We always start with the kids first because they've been waiting, and this year we went youngest to oldest. So, the boys had to wait for their baby cousin Jack (8 months) and cousin Avery (2 years) to open presents before them. And, being babies, they took their time in opening their gifts! The boys were really SO patient and watched their cousins. I was really proud of them.

Then it was Mr. Logan's turn.

Ethan helped him with reading things.

Next, it was Ethan's turn. He's showing his "coupons" to Lego Land and Chuck e Cheese from Nonnie and Papaw.

After all the presents were opened, some of them put together, and played with...all the boys went outside to enjoy more of the pleasant weather. We got home well past bedtime that night and everyone was exhausted from our Christmas fun!

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