This year we've been hit with some late winter ice and snow. I am kind of over it. It's no secret that I don't like cold weather anyway. But several days of ice and snow or any combination thereof, and I can only take it in little doses. However, it is really fun for the boys to play in the snow and I do like that.
First, we had an ice storm and school was cancelled (I do like that). It kind of looked like snow since it was was essentially freezing rain/sleet that froze on the ground. The boys were still excited to go out and surprised to find that it was indeed, ice.

They had accidentally left some bowls from their snacks the previous day outside and they had filled up with water and frozen overnight. This was a source of extreme entertainment for them. They could not get over it.

Then, they were determined to go play on the "snow" (ice) on the trampoline. That was actually pretty humorous because they fell down every .2 seconds. I guess it was pretty slippery...but they thought that was awesome.

They stayed out in the back yard far longer than I would have, but they were definitely cold when they came back inside and their socks were mysteriously soaked. So, they warmed up their feet by the fire while I dried their pants.

A couple of days later, right after we dropped Ethan off at school, big, fluffy snow flakes began to fall. Logan put on his coat right when we got home to go outside and play. I was bummed that Ethan was missing it, but it turns out that his teachers let the class go outside in the snow for a short time since it is such a rare thing around here (usually).

Very quickly the ground began to get covered in snow...on top of the ice that hadn't totally melted yet. The streets were clear, but there was definitely still ice in places. Apparently we have no problem going outside in our PJ's. The really cute hats were a gift from Mimi and Pop from their trip to Alaska.

Duke was hilarious every time the boys went outside. He did not know what to make of the white stuff. He saw it last winter too, but I guess it had been a while. Here he is trying to eat the big ice block that Logan pulled off the bottom of the slide. Of course, that dog tries to eat everything.

Fast forward to yesterday and we had snow again. Lots of it...enough to cancel school again. So this time Ethan got to go out in it while it was actually coming down.

This is what Duke was doing...hopping all over the yard like a rabbit trying to eat all of the snow. Crazy dog.

Of course since the slide was still a bit icy, that was fun to slide down...

One time Duke got in the way when Logan was coming down the slide.

The trampoline was a fun place to play with all the powdery snow...especially to see it fly around when they jumped.

It was strange to see our yard ALL covered in white.

Ethan made several snow angels.

Logan mainly just lay down in the snow.

They eventually discovered how fun it was to throw the snow.

And that they could break off icicles that were by this time quite large.

Man, these were some fun times for the Cooke brothers. They LOVE the snow. And I am so glad they got to experience a few days of it again this year.

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