Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ethan is Seven

Obviously I was a few months late taking Ethan's 7 year portraits. It's become a habit. May is so unbelievably busy...and summer too...that it seems like it's almost fall before we make time to do it. But Ethan turned SEVEN back in May...crazy.

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This is his first yearly photo shoot that includes his glasses. I love the way he looks in them. And when he takes them off now, it just doesn't look like him! Funny how that works. He is an unfailingly sweet and thoughtful kid. That heart symbol below was all his idea.

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He's also a total goofball as shown by the next two photos. I love that about him too!

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Every year that passes we discover more and more about his personality. More to love!

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At his 7-year well visit to his pediatrician, he weighed in at 54 pounds (63%) and measured 50 inches tall (81%). 

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Here are his answers to the interview that I do every year on his birthday:

How old are you? 7

What makes you happy?  Hugs and kisses

What is your favorite food?  Grapes

What is your favorite thing to do with Logan?  iPads

Who are your friends?  Koren, Quentin, Ashton, Blake, Brennan, Logan

What is your favorite color?  Blue

What is your favorite animal?  Dog and cat

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Veterinarian

What is your favorite toy?  Woody

Where is your favorite place to go?  Birthday parties

What is your favorite book?  Harry Potter and Magic Tree House books

What is your favorite show?  Harry Potter movies

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