Monday, July 05, 2010

A Fun Fourth

We didn't actually do that much for the 4th of July this year, but we did have fun. No hamburgers, hotdogs...or fireworks! We did go over to my parents' house to swim, although neither one of them were there at the time. Then, Casey and I opted to go see a movie instead of watch the fireworks since my mom graciously let Ethan sleep at her house. We were planning to let Ethan stay up and watch the fireworks this year, but he decided not to take a nap at all yesterday and just could not make it that long without passing out! There's always next year for his first fireworks experience. I think there may be something to this low-key celebration thing...although I did kind of miss the fireworks. And the hot dogs!


A rare photo with the boy and his 8-month pregnant mommy:Photobucket

Ethan is not grimacing here, although that's what it looks like. He is on his way to a smile...I just didn't quite get it this time:Photobucket


Unknown said...

We actually drove to your parent's neighborhood to see the fireworks last night. Lucas fell asleep in the car so I stayed with him but Ava and Nate loved seeing the fireworks!

Mary said...

Part of me loves a low key holiday,and the other part of me feels so I am depriving my kids! So silly.

By the way, you look SOO cute pregnant!!

Anonymous said...

Becky, you should have come by-I was out front with my sister! Even if we are out of town, just bring your lawn chairs and watch the show-anytime!

Melanie said...

Oh my goodness, Ethan is looking so grown up these days!