Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Family Weekend with Friends

We spent a weekend with our friends Mary and Jason and their three boys at the lake house earlier this summer. It was so much fun. For us adults, it's great because we get to share time together when our kids are sleeping and we had some great conversations in the evenings on the porch (when it's not so stinking hot.)

Here's the four of us adults...Casey, sorry that there's a margarita covering up your chin. This was the best of the self-timer photos, so I had to roll with it. (PS - I love eating outside.)


This is our third year to do this (we also went in 2009 and 2010) and we keep adding to the number of kids each year (a trend that has to slow down sometime!). We have 5 boys between the two of us and they had a blast together. It is especially fun for Ethan to have playmates since Logan is not walking yet. From the left: Max (3), Sam (5 months), Logan (10 months), Ethan (3), Charlie (4.5).


We spent a lot of time at the pool, of course. With all the boys and their toys, it was like a big bath tub full of bath toys.








We also spent some time over at the "big" pool since Ethan likes to jump and go under water. He also loves to be thrown into the air. Casey and I tossed him back and forth more times than I can count. Thanks, Mary, for catching this shot of Ethan way up the air.


One morning, we went over to a sandy beach area and let the boys play in the lake and sand. It was so much fun. We will definitely go back because they loved it.








Mary said...

I love this tradition, especially now that the boys are old enough to be excited for the weekend at "the camping house." Casey and the golf cart are still the biggest hits! :)

Christina said...

Looks like you had a great time! My favorite picture is the one of all five boys lined up on the grass. Adorable!

Dara said...

Wow! What a great crew of boys!! Love Ethan WAY up high in the air at the pool as well. That beach looks fun; we need to check that out!