There's no other reason to call this post "Friday Favorites" other than today is Friday. Which is pretty great. Here are a few things that are favorites of mine right now:
1. The Food Network Magazine February Issue...all about Chocolate! What's not to love?
2. Downton Abbey on PBS. Please tell me you're watching this show already. If not, jump on the bandwagon now. It's excellent. My father-in-law (and mother-in-law too) insisted that I watch the show. They let me borrow their season 1 DVD last fall....and I am totally hooked! Maggie Smith is perfect. This is Masterpiece at it's best.
3. New York City. This is a favorite right now because I'm planning our trip there this spring! Just me and Casey. Cannot wait. The last time we went on vacation was when I was pregnant with Logan and we went to Florida. This time, we're going to be a bit more busy as opposed to laying on the beach, but we are both pumped about it! The last time I was in NYC was over 10 years ago. It will be fun to go back with Casey, who has never really been (except for a very in a few hours...layover on our way to the Dominican Republic for a mission trip in college.)

How fun! Happy Friday! NYC is one of my very favorite places - have so many great memories traveling there when I worked 'in the real world.' :)
LOVE Downton Abbye. Tobin insisted we watch it two Sundays ago. We watched all of season 1 and all we had left of season two just in time to watch Sunday's show. Was that the end of the season or is there still more to come? I might struggle if I have to wait awhile before seeing another show.
Never been to NY. Maybe someday. I never quite understand everyone's fascination with it. Maybe I will have to go to understand?
NY--so fun! I love that city. Now I can't wait for your post about NY!
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