Every year in October, the boys' preschool has a petting zoo and pumpkin patch day. The pumpkin patch is populated by the kids' pumpkin creations, which is really fun.
Logan's class was let loose in the pumpkin patch first to find their pumpkins. Logan spotted his and (sort of) showed it to me for a photo. Then he ran around looking at all the other pumpkins.

When it was time for Logan's class to go inside the petting zoo, he was not too sure about it. I had to go in there with him and then he spent some time running away from the larger animals (while screaming) and pausing to check out (from a distance) some of the smaller animals.

He got a little closer to the guinea pigs, but still didn't want to touch.

And said "hello" to the goat that was sitting down...oblivious to the little black pig that was about to almost knock him down. Which he did not like. That pig was not shy.

After a little coaxing from me, he finally held a feed cup for the pig. I can't believe this actually happened (other than the fact that I have a photo to prove it) because just about any time Logan saw this pig he would run the other way, screaming.

One thing he really liked was brushing the goats' coats.

Ethan's class started out in the petting zoo and he needed no introduction to the animals. He's a bit of an animal lover. And he really loves to feed them.

Not afraid to touch them either (or talk to them)...

But his favorite moment was when he got to hold a baby chick. I'm not sure the photo shows how truly thrilled he was. He even set it down gently in the tub when he was done.

This child was truly in his element. He could have stayed in there all day.

After the petting zoo, Ethan went with his class to the "pumpkin patch" to find his pumpkin. Great expression, son. He was actually really proud of his pumpkin and went to show it to all of his friends. He was also very complimentary of all their pumpkins too. I love watching him do his thing at school.

1 comment:
That's so neat that the school does that. What a fun time!
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