The day before Easter we went to Nonnie and Papaw's house to dye and hunt eggs with the cousins. We had an amazing lunch first. So amazing, apparently, that I didn't even pull out my camera, which would have distracted from my eating.
After lunch, we set the boys up to dye eggs in the garage. They even got "aprons" made from trash bags to keep their clothes from getting stained. We used Kool-Aid for our dye this year and it worked great. Very easy and cheap.

As per usual, Ethan was very methodical about his egg dyeing. He was pretty careful and deliberate about how he did each one. He was still totally fascinated by the wax crayon.

Logan dove right in...literally. He plopped his first egg into red dye and then stuck his whole hand in there to pull it out. So, he had a red hand for the rest of the day until I could get him home and Google how to get Kool-Aid stains out of skin (dish soap, just in case you're wondering...worked like a charm.)

But he got the hang of using the rabbit tongs from that point on.

Logan had so much fun dyeing eggs this year. He was messy and careless just like a 2.5 year old, but he had the best time.

Ethan showing off the egg on which I wrote a secret message for him that he read after he dyed it...I love you.

Logan's plate of eggs. You can see how many of them ended up cracked. He didn't quite get the concept that the shells were fragile. But he also didn't really care that his eggs were cracked, so it all worked out!

Ethan's plate of eggs, which ended up being completely full...he was a dyeing machine. Thank goodness Nonnie had boiled so many eggs for us!

After we dyed all the eggs there were to dye, the daddies/uncles and Papaw hid all the eggs for our eager hunters. Uncle Casey had to hold back the crowd on the patio so they could all start at once.

It was such a blast for the boys to all look for eggs together. And to the big boys' credit...they searched for all the high and hidden ones and left the more obvious ones for Ethan and Logan. It worked out perfectly.

Logan spied an egg that was out of reach so Uncle Jeff helped him out.

This was our attempt at a group photo. Of course the two littlest ones were not apt to cooperate, but it could be worse! Immediately after this photo was taken (or during, if you're Logan), the kids all opened their eggs and had some candy.

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