I've been intending to dust off the boys' power wheels car for a while now, but since the cold weather has lasted so long this spring, I just hadn't gotten around to it until a couple of weeks ago. I plugged it in one night to charge the battery and planned to let the boys shine it up a bit and then go for a drive. What is it they say about the best laid plans?
Well, the first part of my plan went perfectly enough....I gave them a bucket full of mildly soapy water and two huge sponges I had stashed in the garage. I let them do the cleaning for me because I suspected they might find some fun it in. I was right.

They had the best time washing the car. They loved it so much I am considering letting them wash our real cars too.

They were very serious about getting all the "dirty places" off of the car. And sloshing around water is always a favorite activity of theirs.

See? Very thorough.

Logan even cleaned inside the truck bed. Impressive, son.

While Ethan detailed the interior...

Service with a smile. Seriously, they had a great time. So great, in fact, that they've asked me if they can wash the car no less than 20 times since then. We will do it again.

But that's where the plans stopped going my way. After the car wash they
were supposed to drive it around for a while like I has promised them.
So, I pulled the car out to the side yard and they piled in. And the car
was as dead as a doornail. Completely dead. Even after I charged the
battery according to the manufacturers instructions. Except that we've
had the car for two years and sometimes batteries need to be replaced.
Oops. But you know what? They were really great sports about it. They
hopped out of the car and decided to play in the back yard instead. A
new battery has been bought and the car will drive again...just as soon
as I charge that new battery.

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