Monday, September 16, 2013

First Day of Preschool: 2013

Tuesday, September 3 was the first day of preschool this year, and it was Logan's first day in the three year old class. He was more than ready to start school since Ethan had started two weeks earlier. I cannot believe how big he looks in this photo. I told him the other day that he was not allowed to get any bigger. He said, "Mommy, I can't stay snall (small), because I haffa (have to) grow up!"

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As usual, there was a fair amount of goofiness that morning...

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We got to preschool early and they don't open the doors until right at 9am, so we hung out in the car together for a little while. Logan loves to sit in the front seats and push all the buttons on my car.

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When we made it all the way down the hallway to his new classroom, he went right in and found his cubby.

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I forgot to take a photo with Logan and his new teacher, Ms. Mallory, but there she is in the purple shirt. She has already made quite a positive impression on him because he is constantly saying, "my teacher says...." It's so cute.

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After his things were put away, he found a spot at the tables and immediately dove into playing with the play-doh. He would not even look up for half a second to look at the camera.

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See? He's smiling, but he still can't bring his eyes away from the play-doh and toys.

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He did give us both hugs and kisses and said goodbye. He also said, "I ree (really) miss you." Sweetheart. He had a great first day and absolutely loves preschool. It is still weird to me that he's big enough to be in the three's class...and also that Ethan is not there with us at drop-off. But, we are getting into a new routine now that both boys are in school.

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You would think that I'd have more time on Tuesdays and Thursdays when Logan is at preschool...but it feels like I am in the car so much on those days dropping off and picking up that I really think I have more time to get things done on the days he's home with me! Still, we love preschool and I am so thankful that Logan enjoys his time there.

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