This was right after we completed swim lessons, so Logan could technically swim. But, we felt better when he had his puddle jumper on since he was a brand new swimmer.

My three guys plotting their next jumps off the waterfall...

Logan still will not jump on his own. But, he loves to jump with daddy.

Ethan is constantly trying to come up with new and different ways to jump. He's gotten really good at not needing his goggles all the time in the water.

I brought the underwater camera along with me and got a few fun shots...along with a lot of terrible ones. I am not an underwater photographer! It's harder than it might seem!

The boys love to play "submarine" with daddy.

Hey, even I put on my goggles and joined in the underwater fun.

This one cracks me up...

And here's Ethan just as he jumped off the waterfall...he requested a photo of this.

Two goofballs underwater.

We don't actually spend a lot of time over in the toddler pool anymore, but the boys wanted to take their toys over there and play.

I bought some Toy Story dive characters on Ebay this year because they have loved Mrs. Stacy's (swim teacher) set for several years now, but they're not sold in stores anymore.

As is usual with kids and water, they started splashing a lot. I was using my brand new camera, so I had to keep a little distance from them, but they wanted me to take photos of their splashing.

In the evenings we roasted marshmallows over the fire pit. Always a good idea.

But, the boys don't like getting too close to the fire. That's amusing to me since their father is fascinated by fire.

Several things about this photo...how far above the flames he's holding his marshmallows. How tired he looks (this was well past bedtime), and how mesmerized he is by the fire. He's a cutie.

Similarly, Ethan wouldn't lower his marshmallows to the flames either. But he looks pretty ready to eat them anyway. Love his smirks.

And it's s'mores time. Logan looks happy. Must be because he's already taken a bite.

I wonder what he's thinking here. Maybe he's wondering how it's possible for a s'more to be so good.

Ethan's ready too. This year, instead of deconstructing their s'mores and eating them one part at a time, they ate them all together and were so surprised at how good they were.

That's a perfect s'more...unless of course you like your marshmallow a little more blackened, which I don't.

After s'mores, the boys played a little soccer with a mini-ball.

Sunset is my favorite time at the lake. It is beautiful with the setting sun making the cliffs opposite the house light up with red.

It really is so peaceful too. You can tell from this photo just how low the lake is right now...usually most of those rocks in the foreground are under water.

I didn't take photos on our second day at the lake because I'd done my duty the day before. I just relaxed and played with the boys, which is exactly why we go to the lake house in the first place. It was a great little mini-trip and just what we needed to kick off our summer.

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