Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cooke Thanksgiving | 2014

This year we didn't have any plans with family on Thanksgiving Day, which was kind of weird. Our first gathering was on the Friday after Thanksgiving when we went down to Grandaddy and Nana's house to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Cookes. That kitchen looks awfully clean for Thanksgiving, right? All the food is behind me. 

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While we waited on everyone else to arrive, the boys played with Papaw in the front yard. We brought a couple of balls so they could toss them around. It was a beautiful, although very windy, day. 

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When we got around to eating the meal, it was definitely worth the wait. Ethan is still carrying around his monkey everywhere he goes. 

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A gathering of cousins on the porch...

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The meal was followed by some more playing outside. 

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We missed a few passes...

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But caught a few too...

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The lighting in this photo makes me cringe. It's all sorts of different colors and color casts. But, I love that the boys' older cousin, Kyle, was taking the time to show them how to do Rubik's cubes. He is a master. 

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One of the last things we did that day was a tractor ride. Someone got smart (I think it was Uncle Jeff) and left the boys up in the scoop. That's one way to make sure they don't get in trouble. 

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Uncle Chad took pity and drove them around again. And also let them down when they were done. 

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The boys let me snap this quick photo of the two of them. I wanted to get a photo of them in their fall shirts, but they're all covered up. However, this is such a sweet photo of them when they were being not only loving to each other, but allowing me to photograph it. So, I'll take it. 

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It wouldn't be real if I didn't show this out-take of Kinsler (Aunt Chelsey's dog) photobombing. 

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