We left our pumpkin carving to the last minute this year. Well, I guess we could have done them tomorrow...but since it's a school night tomorrow AND Halloween, there wouldn't be any time.
This year the boys participated more than ever on designing and carving their own pumpkins. After the very difficult designs we chose last year, we told them they could just draw their own jack-o-lantern faces this year. They loved the idea.

One thing I did help them with was cutting out the top...it's hard to get the angle right so that it fits back in without falling in.

Ethan was totally grossed out by the seeds and strings. Haha! So funny!

He complained pretty much the whole time he was scraping out the inside. Casey and I did help him separate the junk from the sides of the pumpkin, but I made him scoop most of it out!

We've always used my biggest mixing bowl to catch all the pumpkin guts.

Logan was not grossed out at all...he thought it was awesome!

The biggest difference this year was that they got to actually use the knife and do the carving (most of it) themselves.

I was actually a little nervous to give them the knives, but they're pretty safe, actually.

Ethan did really well and actually carved almost the whole thing by himself. We just helped him on the bridge of the nose and between the eyes because they were so close together.

Logan did some of it but still had a hard time being effective with the knife, so I carved a good bit of his for him.

Here's what we ended up with. Ethan's is the big one on the far left...and it has glasses! Logan's is the traditional jack-o-lantern face with the green light inside (they actually both had flashing LED lights that changed colors). I carved the two smaller pumpkins according to their directions...Ethan's was a heart, Logan's a ghost. Happy Halloween! We are ready for tomorrow night...since this is our only porch or yard decoration at all!

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