The boys are playing soccer again this fall on teams with their best friends Ashton and Brennan again. We went with the YMCA again because it's just so low-key and all the boys want to do right now is just PLAY the game. It was perfect last year and is the same story this year so far.
I was just going to do one post on fall soccer this year, but there are too many photos! I actually took Logan's photos on two separate days because I wasn't totally satisfied after the first day. But I shot all of these with my dad's 70-200mm lens, which I definitely want.
Logan had fun playing baseball this spring, but he really loves soccer...more movement and action, I think. That's right in line with his personality too! What a cutie soccer player...

Even during warm-up before the game he gives it his all. This may be my favorite photo of him from this season...that face! Haha!

He also sticks his tongue out frequently when concentrating...

I would not say that the ball handling skills are there quite yet, but like I said, Logan just wants to play at this point...and he definitely had fun doing it.

He is not opposed to RUNNING either. Up and down the field and back again. Lots of running...great for getting energy out!

I just love his reaction when his team scores! So much emotion and he doesn't hold back! That's our Logan in a nutshell! He scored a couple of goals in the very first game but after that wasn't able to get it in the net very much this season. That did not seem to trouble him very much...he was happy to celebrate with his teammates when they scored!

Waiting on the sideline to throw the ball back into play...

Notice the tongue again...

When he took a break, he enjoyed that too. This kid did not have to be told to drink his water, either.

I love this photo of him just standing there (waiting for play to start again)...through my mom eyes, I can see the little baby he used to be and the still-little boy that he is.

This next one cracks me up. This is during a game. Haha! He just got tired and sat down! That kid...

When he and Brennan were out on the field at the same time, they could sometimes be...distracting to one another. There's always time for some karate chops...again, during the game.

It's these smiles that just make my day. They are the BEST.

Despite the fact that our lazy Saturdays are now soccer Saturdays for a while, we are really enjoying this season so far. (And loving that we chose a very low-key league again this year!) So much fun.

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