Monday, November 21, 2016

Making Things Festive

We set up and decorated our Christmas tree today. Yes, before Thanksgiving. I've never understood why that's such a big deal...I'm capable of being thankful with the Christmas decorations up. Really, the reason we did it today is because the boys have been asking me and we are going to be out of town at the end of this week through Saturday. And I like to have my tree up as soon as possible after Thanksgiving so we can enjoy the fruits of our efforts. So, today it is.

I'm so thankful that the boys are not only willing to help but they're excited about it. It's so fun for them and makes a job less of a chore for me. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Christmas decorations. But I don't love putting them up (or down, for that matter). The boys even helped carry the boxes down from the attic. 

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They were so cute when they started getting out our special ornaments. They were showing them to each other and me. Their excitement is contagious! We had my Christmas Pandora station on the whole time and were having the best time singing and decorating. 

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They actually did a pretty good job of spacing the ornaments out. I showed them what I meant by that when we first started and they ran with it. Not that I didn't move a few around, but overall, they got it.

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What I did not do is take a photo of the tree when it was all done...or of our other (new) tree in the foyer with all of our photo ornaments on it. Maybe another day. Believe me when I say they both look lovely and festive! We are all set for Christmas now! (Except for outdoor lights, but don't talk to me about that. Ugh.)

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