Today we made our Christmas we do every year. Two will be for Santa and the rest will be for us! This endeavor started out a little rocky for the boys (and me, by extension). They were cranky (for some unknown reason) and therefore, fought with each other quite a bit during the dough-making part. It was so much fun (insert eye roll).

They cut up their own sticks of butter this year. Any recipe that starts out with two sticks of butter is a winner in my book.

They took turns with the mixer. They're getting good at not flinging food all over the place when they use it.

They each got to crack an egg and we had no shells that we had to fish out. So, good job, boys.

They had to share the rolling pin too. Every year I think, "we should get another rolling pin so they can do this at the same time." And then a whole year goes by before we use the rolling pin again so I forget about it. And really, we don't need another one.

They've got this part down now...rolling out the dough and cutting the cookies.

We added a few new cookie cutters to our stash this year: a mitten, Christmas light, stocking, and present.

Ethan wanted to transfer his cookies to the baking sheet all by himself. I only ended up having to help him a little bit.

So, after we took a break for the cookies to bake and cool, the boys mellowed out and didn't fight any more - hallelujah. They're checking out their cookies here to see how they baked.

A couple of hours later when the cookies were completely cooled and we were ready to get back in the kitchen, they decorated their cookies. The icing was a little runny at first, but it actually firmed up as we went along. So the first couple of cookies look peculiar (but tasted great!). Ethan wanted to make an "E" cookie, so I used a knife to cut that out.

I did an "L" for Logan too. They didn't need too much help with the came out of the bottles pretty well.

I spy Duke trying to get anything he possibly can that's dropped...which did happen, of course.

Logan kept sneaking tastes of icing. He did the same with the cookie dough. He probably had the equivalent of three cookies with icing before we were all done!

So serious...

The boys let me decorate a few cookies too. It's fun! This was my tray. I really liked how that snowflake turned out and I also enjoyed doing the Christmas lights. See how our icing was a little runny? We do not worry about such things. It's fine. They tasted wonderful!

These are Ethan's cookies...

And these are Logan's. I know it's only three days until Christmas, but it might not be easy to save two of these for Santa!

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